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Volunteer Attorneys for Rural Nevadans (VARN) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Due to the grants and monies received from fundraising events and donations, VARN has been able to expand the free legal services it can provide to low-income people. VARN’s survival and the ability to continue providing free legal services depends very much on funds raised or donated. If you would like to help VARN to continue providing free civil legal services to low-income people, you can:


Donate by credit card by clicking the donate button above or send a monetary contribution to VARN at P.O. Box 365, Carson City, NV 89702.  Your contribution may be tax-deductible. VARN’s tax identification number for reporting tax deductible donations is: 86-0857749.

Please consider leaving a gift to VARN when preparing your will.

Finally, VARN needs volunteers to assist with fundraising events from time to time. If you would like to volunteer your time to help VARN at special events, please contact VARN and tell us that you would like to be a ‘special events’ volunteer.

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